Following critical success of 'Of Mind and Music' and 'The Road Dance,' Adams has several projects in development as writer/director and/or producer. The projects below include completed scripts in various stages of development.
— Based on true events — Set in 1961, in the chaos that follows Fidel Castro's Revolution, parents are desperate to save their children from the daily onslaught of Communist indoctrination and an oppressive regime that threatens the Cuban way of life. Led by a Cuban socialite, an English female school teacher, and an Irish Catholic priest in Miami, a handful of ordinary men and women concoct an incredible plan that enables 14,000 children to escape to a new life in America right under the noses of Castro's secret police.
This operation would come to be known as Pedro Pan, and remains the largest exodus of unaccompanied children in the Western Hemisphere.
* Original Screenplay
(Property of Pedro Pan Development, LLC)

— Based on true events — Set in 1980, athletic director Nelson Townsend is tasked with turning around Delaware State College’s failing football program after a historic 105-0 loss to Portland State. Townsend makes the decision to hire an assistant coach named Joe Purzycki from the University of Delaware, hoping Purzycki can bring his winning ‘Wing T’ offense to the Delaware State program. The only problem, Purzycki happens to be white, and Delaware State, like other historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), has never had a white coach. The story follows the incredible, seemingly insurmountable obstacles the two men face and partnership they develop, after Townsend makes his controversial hire, transforming Delaware State from the “laughingstock of the conference” to a winning program.
* Adapted Screenplay, Based on the book, ‘Mr. Townsend & The Polish Prince’ (Property of Uinta Productions)

— A mystery thriller with a darkly comic tone showing how the young novelist comes to write his most beloved book — “A CHRISTMAS CAROL.” Set at the end of his first disastrous American tour in 1842, it is fiction framed against fact, exploring Dickens’ passion for truth and the lengths he will go to get a story. Like “A CHRISTMAS CAROL,” it embraces the supernatural and is told against the backdrop of a childhood secret that the writer would take to his grave... the shame of which profoundly colors both his life and narratives.
* Adapted Screenplay, Based on the novel, Eben Kruge, How A Christmas Carol Came to Be Written (Property of RRC)

— Based on true events — In a Friday night game in a small Louisiana community in 2015 a white teenager accidentally kills a black teenager on the football field. The tragedy stretches both communities to their emotional and spiritual limits, as the lives of Cody, who makes the tackle, Mikka, the mother of the youth who dies (Tyrell Cameron) and “B," Tyrell’s best friend, are thrust into a spiral of confusion, violence and desperate acts.
* Original screenplay
(Property of RRC)

— Based on true events — An unflinching telling of the rise of NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Jim Kelly from a small Pennsylvania town to four consecutive Super Bowls (all losses), along with wife Jill’s rollercoaster ride of dating the most eligible bachelor in the country—tracking their first child before marriage, learning their second child, Hunter, has a genetic disease with a life expectancy of less than two years. Jill marshals the support of an entire city and beyond in hopes of a cure for the disease as Hunter lives eight miraculous years, seeing his father inducted into the Hall of Fame. Hunter dies minutes before his father reaches the hospital, and the shock of his death creates a crippling void in the family. Not religious, Jill turns to God for strength and the will to live, while Jim swears off the God who took his son and leads a life of infidelity that threatens to end their marriage. Then, Jim is diagnosed with throat cancer and their family is forced to play the toughest game of their lives.
* Original screenplay
(Property of Pro Football Hall of Fame & Kelly Family Films)
— Inspired by true events — A story about the West-Kimbrell Clan in North Louisiana—model citizens by day and killers by night, killing more people than the James gang. They terrorize and kill those who come from the North after the Civil War hoping to profit from Reconstruction, and in mortal fear of its own, the town of Winnfield looks the other way until a local couple is abducted for not joining the clan. The town rises up, and led by a group of boys ages 13 to 18 kills the entire clan on a fateful Easter Sunday.
* Adapted screenplay, Based on the book, From Hell to Heaven
(Property of RRC)